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Pannelli solari : 1n. 8 (5,3 x 3,0cm 5v, 30mA)

3. Don't think about it.
Su appuntamento il tuo KIT viene recapitato in bici, solo in città di Milano e
montato sulla tua bici a domicilio.
Se desideri puoi richiedere con QR code o cliccando sul link rosso , della posta elettronica (scrivi oggetto Don't think about it),
il modulo di richiesta per costi di acquisto e e montaggio a domicilio del kit sulla tua bici. Quando hai fatto la prima spesa sostenibile manda una foto allo stesso indirizzo per la community 'Flower power' e pubblicala sui tuoi social!

3. Don't think about it.
Book your kit fitting delivered at home by
bike in the city of Milan.
Ask, if you want, the request form through the QR code or cliking on the red dot
opening an email, (write Don't think about
it in the subject), you will receive a request
form to know the price and details to book
your service.
When you are through and you will have done your first sustainable grocery shopping with your 'Flower power' bike, please send a picture at the same email address for the Flower Power community and publish it on your social media.
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